Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oct. 28

Late fall colours are still in full bloom at the TBG, thanks to our wonderful autumn weather!All these selections are featured in the Entry Garden:

Tricyrtis formosana Samurai (Toad Lily); Samurai is the most popular cultivar of toad lily, growing best in shady areas; this selection has purple flowers with darker spotting held above green foliage edged with gold - perfect for the autumn garden as is a later flowering perennial

Autumn Fire (Stonecrop) ; similar to S. Autumn Joy but with a tighter growth habit so it is less prone to flopping over. Autumn Fire was developed in Quebec and also displays brighter rose-coloured flowers than Autumn Joy. It is shown here with a touch of frost

Eragrostis spectabilis
(Purple love grass); hardy to zone 5, this tufted grass is short at 10" with plumes reaching up to 2'; an underused perennial very unique! it prefers a sandy situation.

Geranium phaeum
Album (Mourning widow cranesbill) ; this geranium is mound-forming with deeply lobed foliage and delicate white flowers, a very hardy selection tolerating dry shade better than most, excellent for woodland gardens. Here the leaves are touched with the first fall frost.

Cotinus obovatus (American smoketree) ; Native to the southeastern United States, this small tree is hardy to zone 4 with autumn foliage in a variety of colours from yellow and orange to reddish purple,making it one of the best fall colour small trees. With its interesting bark, it makes a great specimen!

Viburnum nudum (Northern Wild Raisin or Witherod); this native shrub belonging to the honeysuckle family, is definitely underused in home gardens. It has edible fruit and its glossy leaves turn a rich burgundy in autumn.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Oct 7 - 17

In the Water Channel you will find:
Hydrangea quercifolia (Oakleaf hydrangea); these shrubs provide four seasons of interest with dramatic white flowers. They perform best in hot climates but are extremely hardy to Toronto gardens and will tolerate drier conditions better than other hydrangeas

In the Perennial Border:
Aster laevis 'Bluebird' now known as Symphyotrichum laeve 'Bluebird'; displays cone- shaped clusters of violet-blue flowers exhibiting clean foliage compared to most asters

In the Nature Garden:
Gaillardia aristata (Blanket flower); this species blons to the sunflower family and is commonly known for its red and yellow pinwheel

In the Nature Garden:
Cornus alternifolia (Pagoda dogwood); also known as an alternate leaf dogwood, this species is native from Manitoba eastward, displaying excellent fall colour

In the Terrace Garden:
Iris germanica 'Double Your Fun' (Intermediate bearded iris; at 21 inches this repeat bloomer is a new intorduction with a violet-flushed mid-rib and butter yellow on a white background

In the Knot Garden:
Iris germanica 'Immortality' (Tall bearded Iris); this pure white iris is a re-bloomer flowering twice a year in early summer and again in late summer/early fall