Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29 - July6

In the Entry Garden you will find:
Monarda 'Aquarius' (Bee Balm) with Geranium psilostemon (Armenian cranesbill); this bergamot has bright pink flowers known for their unique shape, atop 30-inch erect stem and, prefers moist soil. It is shown here with the vibrant pink of the Armenian cranesbill.

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Eryngium giganteum (Mrs. Willmott's Ghost/Giant Sea Holly); this species produces very large silvery-grey spiny flower heads with a greenish cone centre; drought tolerant once established, it is a self-seeding biennial

In the Nature Garden:
Echincacea pallida (Pale Purple Coneflower); this striking species has pinkish-rose ray flowers, extending from a purplish-red disc; prefers full sun, will adapt to a range of soil conditions but must have good drainage

In the Nature Garden:
Gaillardia aristata (Blanket Flower); this native wildflower is popular for its long bloom season, producing daisy-like yellow flowers with burnt orange markings - good for cutting.

In the Water Garden-East:
Delphinium elatum 'Sunny Skies' (New Millenium Delphinium); this English hybrid delphinium outperforms all other tall types in rich shades from pale to sky blue, with a white bee

In the Terrace Garden:
Opuntia humifusa 'Lemon Spreader' (Prickly Pear Cactus); this vigorous, low-growing, spreading hardy cactus is smaller than the species but has the same requirements: good drainage and lots of sunshine!

Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21-28

In the Terrace Garden you will find:
Achillea 'Moonshine' (Yarrow) with Lavendula 'Munstead' (English Lavender); lavender is actually a low-growing shrub of the Mediterranean region. The fragrance of its flowers and foliage make it popular for perennial borders and herb gardens. Here it is planted with Achillea 'Moonshine,' another popular plant with attractive grey-green foliage and bright yellow flowers lasting for weeks.

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Trollius x cultorum 'Pritchard's Giant' (Globeflower); this variety of globe flower is known for large golden orange globe-shaped flowers, reaching up to three feet. It blooms in late spring/early summer and again in late summer.

In the Garden Hall Courtyard- Bank:
Digitalis grandiflora ( Big-Flowered or Yellow Foxglove); the Garden Hall Bank is covered at this time of year (early summer) by many varieties of foxglove. Digitalis Grandiflora, shown here, has large yellow flowers on stems reaching three feet.

In the West View Terrace:
Rosa 'The Fairy' (Polyantha shrub rose); The Fairy flowers profusely from early summer till frost bearing light pink, double-cupped flowers in large clusters. It is a vigorous plant with excellent disease resistance.

In the Arrival Trellis:
Clematis 'Blue Angel' with clematis H.F. Young (clematis cultivars); Blue Angel is a very heavy bloomer with blue flowers that are paler on the inside, darker along the edges, giving it a veined look. H.F. Young holds the RHS-Award of Garden Merit due to its compact free-flowering nature, producing blue flowers with yellow anthers from late spring to early summmer and again in late summer.

In the Entry Garden:
Thalictrum 'Elin' (Meadow Rue); one of the tallest meadow rue selections with attractive purplish stems above lacy blue-green foliage which holds sprays of lavender flowers with yellow stamens - a must have for head gardener Sandra Pella!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9- 16

In the Water Garden - East you will find:
Delphinium 'Galahad' (Pacific Giant Delphinium); stars of the early summer border. This selection has spires of semi-double, pure white blooms.

In the Water Garden - East:
Phlox glaberrima 'Morris Berd' (Smooth or Marsh Phlox); this early flowering phlox is a long bloomer, flowering for six to eight weeks

In the Water Garden - West:
Iris germanica 'Picasso Moon' (Tall Bearded Iris); they reach heights of 27 inches or more and are the last group of irises to bloom in spring. At planting, be sure to barely cover the rhizomes with soil, if at all, to ensure they are fully exposed to sunlight.

In the Water Garden - East:
Paeonia 'Julia Rose' (Itoh Peony); they can produce up to 50 blooms in a single season due to the plant's ability to produce primary and secondary buds; the blooms of Julia Rose have a soft spicy scent.