In the Nature Garden you will find:
Pennisetum with Echinacea purpurea (Fountain Grass with Purple Coneflower); both these plants hold up well under snow and winter conditions and make for long-lasting winter interest in any garden.

In the Nature Garden:
Amelanchier laevis (Allegheny Serviceberry); this small tree or shrub is native to Ontario and eastward, reaching to 10metres. Iit is an excellent choice for city gardens! In this winter shot, one side of its bark is thawed by the sun while the other is frozen with ice crystals.

The Knot Garden:
The Knot Garden is hard to resist in winter when snowfall highlights the many architecturally pruned forms of this garden, in particular the evergreen yew and boxwood hedges, as well as the deciduous privet

In the South Show Garden:
Berberis thunbergii forma atropurpurea 'Concorde' (Japanese Barberry); this dense thorny shrub is popular for its colouring, and produces berries which are carried through the winter, Here it is seen with a glistening of frost on its arching branches.

In the South Show Garden:
Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red' (Winterberry); this wetland holly loses its leaves each year and bears an abundance of bright red fruit which is carried through the winter. Here they stand out brilliantly against the snow.

Pennisetum with Echinacea purpurea (Fountain Grass with Purple Coneflower); both these plants hold up well under snow and winter conditions and make for long-lasting winter interest in any garden.

In the Nature Garden:
Amelanchier laevis (Allegheny Serviceberry); this small tree or shrub is native to Ontario and eastward, reaching to 10metres. Iit is an excellent choice for city gardens! In this winter shot, one side of its bark is thawed by the sun while the other is frozen with ice crystals.

The Knot Garden:
The Knot Garden is hard to resist in winter when snowfall highlights the many architecturally pruned forms of this garden, in particular the evergreen yew and boxwood hedges, as well as the deciduous privet

In the South Show Garden:
Berberis thunbergii forma atropurpurea 'Concorde' (Japanese Barberry); this dense thorny shrub is popular for its colouring, and produces berries which are carried through the winter, Here it is seen with a glistening of frost on its arching branches.

In the South Show Garden:
Ilex verticillata 'Winter Red' (Winterberry); this wetland holly loses its leaves each year and bears an abundance of bright red fruit which is carried through the winter. Here they stand out brilliantly against the snow.

A friendly reminder regarding Winter Garden Etiquette: Even though they are now under a blanket of snow, please respect the garden beds and stay on the groomed paths! It is very tempting to walk in to have a closer look at sites like the rich red berries above - but remember you are stepping on plants to improve your view!

Love the clean lines of the Knot Garden.