Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9- 16

In the Water Garden - East you will find:
Delphinium 'Galahad' (Pacific Giant Delphinium); stars of the early summer border. This selection has spires of semi-double, pure white blooms.

In the Water Garden - East:
Phlox glaberrima 'Morris Berd' (Smooth or Marsh Phlox); this early flowering phlox is a long bloomer, flowering for six to eight weeks

In the Water Garden - West:
Iris germanica 'Picasso Moon' (Tall Bearded Iris); they reach heights of 27 inches or more and are the last group of irises to bloom in spring. At planting, be sure to barely cover the rhizomes with soil, if at all, to ensure they are fully exposed to sunlight.

In the Water Garden - East:
Paeonia 'Julia Rose' (Itoh Peony); they can produce up to 50 blooms in a single season due to the plant's ability to produce primary and secondary buds; the blooms of Julia Rose have a soft spicy scent.

1 comment:

  1. I believe your Itoh peony, Paeonia 'Julia Rose' is mis-named. Julia Rose is actually a multi-coloured bloom with coral-red fading to salmon. Photo at

    The plant in your photo looks like another Itoh, 'Sequestered Sunshine'.
