Gentiana cachemirica (Himalayan Gentian); often misidentified and hard to find, this electric blue gentian is also suitable for rock gardens, normally flowering in late summer.

In the Water Garden - North:
Tulipa 'West Point' (Lily-flowered tulip): this lily-flowered tulip has eye-catching yellow pointed petals.

In the Water Garden-West
Tulipa 'Ballerina' (Tulip): this late spring flowering selection has point-tipped petals of red and yellow on the outside and red within.

In the Knot Garden:
Narcissus 'Thalia' (Daffodil/Orchid Narcissus): this fragrant pure-white daffodil has multiple, pendulous flowers on each stem and is shown here with an assortment of tulips.

In the Water Garden North
Tulipa 'Princess Irene' (Tulip); this tulip is very weather and wind resistant and is one of the early spring season flowering tulips.

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Frittilaria imperialis 'Lutea Maxima' (Crown Imperial Lily): these bulbs produce up to six bell-shaped yellow flowers hanging below a topknot of leaves which are held on a single stem.

In the Garden Hall Courtyard
Tulipa orphanidea 'Whittallii Group' (Tulip): this species tulip has burnt-orange flowers that are stained brown at the centre, usually flowering mid to late spring.

In the Kitchen Garden-Fence:
Clematis 'Guernsey Cream' (Guernsey Cream Clematis): this vine boasts large creamy flowers from mid-May to July and again in late August.

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Trollius x cultorum 'Orange Princess' (Globe Flower): this pernnial prefers rich, moist, almost-boggy soil in full to partial sun. Flowering in late spring/early summer, this selection has large double golden-orange flowers.

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Frittilaria imperialis 'William Rex' (Crown Imperial Lily): another selection of Crown Imperial Frittilaria, this one with dark bronze-red flowers
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