In the Arrival Trellis:
Clematis Josephine (Cultivar of Clematis); this Chelsea award winner has doubly creamy green to pinkish mauve flowers with darker striping - a real show stopper!
Iris germanica 'Immortality' (Bearded Iris); this rebloomer has pure white flowers with a lemon yellow beard, flowering twice a year, early summer and again in late summer/early fall
In the Knot Garden:
Allium karataviense 'Ivory Queen' (Turkestan Onion); a lovely white form of the popular species, having dense ivory white flowers on ten-inch stems
In the Arrival Trellis:
Clematis 'Hyde Hall' (Cultivar of Clematis); a Raymond Evison selection with flowers five to seven inches across of white with a tinge of pink
In the Arrival Courtyard:
Gillenia trifoliata (Bowman's Root); a personal favourite of TBG head gardener Sandra Pella, this underused native wildflower was traditionally used for medicinal purposes but it adds form and flower to any perennial border - another real show stopper!
In the Entry Garden:
Paeonia lactiflora 'Bowl of Beauty' (Peony); a classic peony with very large pink-tinted flowers with creamy white, ruffled centres
Allium christophii (Star of Persia); a very showy allium with a large flower umbrel made up of up to 100 reddish-purple, star-shaped flowers