Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29

In the Arrival Trellis:
Clematis Josephine (Cultivar of Clematis); this Chelsea award winner has doubly creamy green to pinkish mauve flowers with darker striping - a real show stopper!

In the Knot Garden:
Iris germanica 'Immortality' (Bearded Iris); this rebloomer has pure white flowers with a lemon yellow beard, flowering twice a year, early summer and again in late summer/early fall

In the Knot Garden:
Allium karataviense 'Ivory Queen' (Turkestan Onion); a lovely white form of the popular species, having dense ivory white flowers on ten-inch stems

In the Arrival Trellis:
Clematis 'Hyde Hall' (Cultivar of Clematis); a Raymond Evison selection with flowers five to seven inches across of white with a tinge of pink

In the Arrival Courtyard:
Gillenia trifoliata (Bowman's Root); a personal favourite of TBG head gardener Sandra Pella, this underused native wildflower was traditionally used for medicinal purposes but it adds form and flower to any perennial border - another real show stopper!

In the Entry Garden:
Paeonia lactiflora 'Bowl of Beauty' (Peony); a classic peony with very large pink-tinted flowers with creamy white, ruffled centres

In the Entry Garden:
Allium christophii (Star of Persia); a very showy allium with a large flower umbrel made up of up to 100 reddish-purple, star-shaped flowers

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

May 11- 18

In the Nature Garden:
Camassia leichtlinii (Quamash) ; growing two to four feet, including the flower spike, quamash is native to North America with a pyramidal raceme of bright star flowers atop a stem rising above a grassy clump

In the Show Garden:
Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea 'Royal Cloak' (Japanese Barberry); rich colourful foliage on this shrub is hard to miss - the leaves on this selection are larger, rounder, and a deeper purple than those of other barberries.

In the Knot Garden:
Tulipa 'White Elegance' (Lily Flowering Tulip) with Fagus sylvatica forma purpurea 'Cuprea' (Purple Beech) in the background; an elegant ivory tulip flowering in mid-season, good for cutting

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Acer palmatum var. dissectum 'Crimson Queen' (Japanese Maple) with Tulipa 'Queen of Night' and Tulipa 'Annie Schilder'; Japanese maples are exhibiting extremely rich colour this season, here A. 'Crimson Queen', a popular old cultivar hardy to zone 5

In the West View Terrace:
Daphne x burkwoodii 'Carol Mackie' (Daphne); extremely fragrant shrub bearing small pink flowers completely covering the plant for approximately two to three weeks. It prefers acidic soil and shade from hot sun

In the Arrival Courtyard:
Wisteria floribunda 'Issai' (Japanese Wisteria); Japanese Wisteria is a hardy, rampant, deciduous vine; the cultivar Issai has relatively short clusters of fragrant lilac-blue pea-flowers and is an extremely vigorous twiner, quickly engulfing the structure it grows up

In the Entry Garden:
Amsonia tabernaemontana var. salicifolia (Blue Star); a native perennial to Eastern North America, deservedly becoming more popular in gardens as is exceptionally long-lived, bearing clusters of light blue starry flowers

In the Entry Garden:
Allium 'Gladiator' (Ornamental Onion); a very stately Allium with six inch globes of violet blue for early - especially early this seaon - summer

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 6-12

In the Garden Hall Courtyard you will find:
Gentiana cachemirica (Himalayan Gentian); often misidentified and hard to find, this electric blue gentian is also suitable for rock gardens, normally flowering in late summer.

In the Water Garden - North:
Tulipa 'West Point' (Lily-flowered tulip): this lily-flowered tulip has eye-catching yellow pointed petals.

In the Water Garden-West
Tulipa 'Ballerina' (Tulip): this late spring flowering selection has point-tipped petals of red and yellow on the outside and red within.

In the Knot Garden:
Narcissus 'Thalia' (Daffodil/Orchid Narcissus): this fragrant pure-white daffodil has multiple, pendulous flowers on each stem and is shown here with an assortment of tulips.

In the Water Garden North
Tulipa 'Princess Irene' (Tulip); this tulip is very weather and wind resistant and is one of the early spring season flowering tulips.

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Frittilaria imperialis 'Lutea Maxima' (Crown Imperial Lily): these bulbs produce up to six bell-shaped yellow flowers hanging below a topknot of leaves which are held on a single stem.

In the Garden Hall Courtyard
Tulipa orphanidea 'Whittallii Group' (Tulip): this species tulip has burnt-orange flowers that are stained brown at the centre, usually flowering mid to late spring.

In the Kitchen Garden-Fence:
Clematis 'Guernsey Cream' (Guernsey Cream Clematis): this vine boasts large creamy flowers from mid-May to July and again in late August.

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Trollius x cultorum 'Orange Princess' (Globe Flower): this pernnial prefers rich, moist, almost-boggy soil in full to partial sun. Flowering in late spring/early summer, this selection has large double golden-orange flowers.

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Frittilaria imperialis 'William Rex' (Crown Imperial Lily): another selection of Crown Imperial Frittilaria, this one with dark bronze-red flowers