In the Garden Hall Courtyard you will find:
Helleborus niger 'Maximus' (Christmas Rose) ; normal bloom time is late winter/early spring but this year it will be in bloom for Christmas here.

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Mahonia aquifolium (Oregon Grape); evergreen shrub with thick dark green holly-like foliage, buds begin to form in winter; belonging to Barberry Family; yellow pigment from its roots was used by First Nations of British Columbia as a dye .

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Leucothoe fontanesiana (Drooping Leucothoe or Doghobble); broadleaf evergreen shrub with glossy dark green foliage turns to red-green and purple in winter

In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby' (Elephant's Ears) a British selection with deep maroon winter colour; reliably evergreen and winter hardy for North American gardens.
In the Garden Hall Courtyard:
Pieris japonica 'Mountain Fire' (Japanese Pieris); this variety is thoroughly evergreen with the new bright red growth appearing in late winter & early spring, which change to green by fall
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