In the Nature Garden you will find:
Cornus sanguinea 'Winter Beauty' (Bloodtwig dogwood); aptly named, this bloodtwig dogwood is noted for its orange-yellow winter stems tipped with red and for its golden fall foliage; its berries are not showy but attract birds.
Pinus strobus (Weeping white pine/Eastern white pine); this white pine generally tolerates urban conditions well and is the only species of pine to have five needles per bundle. This cultivar is a semi-dwarf whose weeping branches may trail the ground. This year it is boasting beautiful cones.

In the West View Terrace:
In the West View Terrace:
Viburnum carlesii 'Diana' (Koreanspice Viburnum); this rounded, multi-stemmed shrub is very hardy, tolerating a wide range of soil conditions except very wet. It is invaluable for winter interest, here displaying great fall colour.

In the Entry Garden:
In the Entry Garden:
Molinea caerulea ssp. arundinacea Transparent (Purple Moor Grass); the flowers of this deciduous clump-forming grass reach well over a meter tall with an open and airy habit, thus the name 'Transparent'. The foliage turns a fine yellow in late fall.

In the Entry Garden:
In the Entry Garden:
Bergenia purpurascens (Winter-red Bergenia); True to its name, this bergenia species has excellent fall and winter red colour. Bergenias are incredibly hardy and reliably evergreen.