Helleborus niger 'Praecox' (Christmas Rose), the best-known species of Hellebore; this cultivar has white cup-shaped flowers which appear notably earlier than others
In the Water Fall Garden:
Eranthis hyemalis Cilicia Group (Winter Aconite); belonging to the buttercup family, a small plant with large yellow cup-shaped flowers - all parts are poisonous
In the Great Hall Courtyard:
Galanthus elwesii (Snowdrop) with Erica carnea 'Myretoun Ruby' (Winter Heath): giant-flowered snowdrop with honey-scented blooms with two green marks on the petals, here accompanied by one of the earliest flowering heathers in late winter, very hardy happiest in acid soil but will adapt to mildly alkaline conditions

In the Entry Garden:
In the Entry Garden:
Helleborus x hybridus 'Blue Lady' (Lenten Rose); prune out the old foliage now so as to see the cup-shaped plum purple nodding flowers, leathery evergreen leaves to follow